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Our Policy regarding COVID-19
Dear guests,

We are pleased to welcome you to Hotel Neda.
As the situation around COVID-19 continues, we are actively making the necessary changes to our protocols to ensure the security and flexibility of our visitors.
As always, the safety and health of our visitors and team members is of the utmost importance and priority.
The following are the measures and actions we have taken:
Our team is up to date with the latest measures and new protocols, is aware of the latest news and information from local and national health authorities and has designed and implemented a plan in case there is evidence of this viral infection in the hotel or our area.

• All department employees are required to wash their hands frequently.
• The departure time is at 11am and the arrival time from 3pm onwards, so that there is extra time for thorough cleaning of the rooms.
• Disinfection of all room keys after each stay.
• Cashless payment methods are available and encouraged.

- Decorative elements have been removed
The maid service is planned to be less frequent during your stay.
- Towels and sheets will only be changed on request.
We offer two cleaning options on departure:
a] The room is cleaned in the usual way after a customer leaves and is kept closed for 24 hours until the next arrival arrives,
b] perform thorough cleaning and disinfection using a steam cleaner on all surfaces of the room and the bathroom.
- The remote controls are wrapped with new film.
- We have installed devices with hand disinfectant in all areas and facilities of our hotel and it is at your disposal.
- Brochures are laminated to be sterilized.

All hotel clothing is washable at 60 ° C and above. Dirty with clean are separated and transported to the washing machines in separate bags of a specific color.

As our Greek buffet is one of the most famous features of our hotel and is highly appreciated by our guests, the buffet will be maintained, while there will be more individual portions as well as packaged products. To this end, safety measures are introduced, which must be observed by both employees and guests.
- Plexiglass is placed in front of the buffet and served by our employees.
- Salt, pepper, sugar and beverage accompaniments are offered packaged in individual packages.
- In addition, hand sanitization is mandatory at the entrance.
- The tables are covered with tablecloths, the cutlery is on the table and at every change of customer the table and the chairs are disinfected. Cutlery is being replaced with increasing frequency and strict hygiene measures and keeping distance from employees are in place.

The frequency of cleaning and disinfection of the pool and the pool areas is increasing and for the water disinfectants suitable for the current occasion are used. The amount of residual chlorine is recorded 2 times a day and the PH 4 times a day. Showering before using the pool is MANDATORY. Neda Hotel is committed to the full adoption of the Greek health protocol for the operation of hotels.